Logo XIII World Congress of Cardiology - April, 26 - 30, 1998 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

XIII WCC'98 President's Message

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, the host society, I would like to give to all of you a warm welcome to the XIII World Congress of Cardiology.

From April 26-30, Rio de Janeiro will be the capital of the International Cardiology, housing thousands of cardiologists, health allied professionals and Foundations members, as well as representatives of the most important pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies from all over the world

The International and the Local Scientific Committees chaired by Ayrton Pires Brandáo and co-chaired by John P. Chalmers, has prepared a very comprehensive program covering the most recent techniques and technologies for diagnosis and treatment of CVD . Another important activity is an innovative and integrated program on preventive cardiology and life style changes with the cooperation of the Interamerican Heart Foundation and the ISFC’s Foundations Board.

For the first time, lay public was invited to attend a health’s fair, named "Quality of Life Expo" where the visitors may see how to keep fitness and change their behavior and to get healthier life style.

A rewarding Social and Tourist program will be another highlight of the congress, disclosing to the visitors, the beauties of the city and the country, and the Brazilian way of life.

You will always be remembering Rio, where your heart will beat faster!

Mario F. de Camargo Maranhão, MD
President of the Congress
April 1998
