Logo XIII World Congress of Cardiology - 1998 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

In recognition of your company's financial support and participation in the 1998 WCC, this sponsorship package includes the following:


Executive hostesses will provide assistance to participants at airports, hotels, social activities and programs for spouses.

Hostesses will bear a special badge with the sponsors logo. Uniforms can also be provided, should the sponsor so desire.


In a 1,200 square meter area right after the exhibit and poster sites the participants will find data to be fed into the computer network dedicated to cardiology.

Corporate sponsors will have their logo/message displayed both at the entrance and at room interior on decorating panels.


45 square meters of exhibition space is included in recognition of your sponsorship. As a XIII WCC sponsor your exhibition space is reserved on a priority basis, on the first floor of the XIII WCC.


Three symposiums are included:

    1. Monday, 04/27/98: 90 minutes, in a 250 seat auditorium
    2. Tuesday, 04/28/98: 90 minutes, in a 550 seat auditorium
    3. Wednesday, 04/29/98: 90 minutes, in a 700 seat auditorium.


Rio de Janeiro is famous for its world class and unique attractions. The XIII WCC Committee is the exclusive and sole provider of these facilities/accommodations before, during and after the XIII WCC. Your company sponsorship includes one reservation for a hospitality event of your choice. For example, group dining/entertainment at Sugar Loaf, or a private group entertainment event at one of Rio's world famous samba nightclubs.


A private bus fleet is provided for the congress participants to transport them to and from the airport, hotels, the congress facilities, and other events throughout Rio de Janeiro. Included with your company sponsorship is a motor coach with your company's name and message prominently displayed on the side of the vehicle. Also the seats will have a cover with your company logo. Promotional videos could be played by the corporate.

During the XIII Congress of Cardiology 240 air-conditioned buses will be used to transport delegates.

The number of buses with your companys message will be 11 .


In recognition of your company's financial support of the XIII WCC, twenty-five physician level registration fees are reserved for your discretionary use , with no charges.


In all auditoriums a panel with the names of sponsorship companies will prominently displayed.
