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Word from the Course Director

On behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) and the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (BSC), I invite you to participate in the jointly sponsored.

ACCF / BSC Cardiovascular Symposium
May 19 – 20, 2012
WTC Sheraton Hotel
Sao Paulo, Brazil

The ACCF/BSC Cardiovascular Symposium is modeled after the tremendously successful New York Cardiovascular Symposium that I have directed for over a decade. We are delighted to bring this educational event, designed similarly in scope to the New York program, to Brazil for the first time. Two days of information-packed presentations will be offered, featuring the latest skills and cutting-edge discoveries on prevention, management and treatment of heart disease. The Symposium will host a team of renown faculty sharing expert opinions of, and future directions in, the field of cardiology.

You will find all necessary information including the opportunity to register for the ACCF/BSC Cardiovascular Symposium on this website (

We look forward to seeing you in May 2012!


Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC
Course Director, ACCF/BSC Cardiovascular Symposium

Word from the President

Dear Colleagues,


SBC is proud to receive for the very first time the Brazilian edition of the renowned “New York Cardiovascular Symposium,” This international event has already established respect among cardiologists over its more than four decades of existence, achieving its forty-fourth edition in last December, in the United States of America. This is a dedicated, focused and vertical event which addresses the clinical practice for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, where for clarifying the latest controversies or for widening the frontiers of knowledge and introducing future research.

The course is managed by the “American College of Cardiology” and relies on the honorable and committed direction of Prof. Valentin Fuster, Cardiology director and e emeritus professor from the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA. SBC has managed to bring to associates, cardiologists, interventionists, cardiovascular surgeons and clinical doctors who are involved in the daily practice of Cardiology, this unique opportunity, furthering unparalleled scientific enthusiasm, standing as one more advanced continuing education tool.

Check out the science schedule, with lectures administered by famous professors and leaders in assistance and research in the United States, chosen personally by the event’s director, to compose this unmatched Brazilian edition of the U.S. event.

 The city of São Paulo, at WTC Sheraton, will stage the event. The city is the beating heart of the Brazilian economy, concentrating most of Brazil’s Cardiology professionals, allowing ample and unlimited access to the other colleagues from all over the country and Latin America. We are looking forward to receiving you to share our great enthusiasm about this important science event, the catalyst of concerted efforts of the past and present boards of SBC. Do not lose this opportunity. Best regards

Jadelson Pinheiro de Andrade
President of Brazilian Society of Cardiology



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