Versão em Português  Versión en Español

May, 19th – 20th 2012


WTC Sheraton Hotel
Av. Nações Unidas , 12559
Brooklyn Novo | São Paulo - Brasil

More information
 Phone: + 55 21 3478-270 / 3475-2700


Brazilian Society of Cardiology
Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160/Sala 330 - Centro
CEP: 20020-907 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ
55 21 3478-2700

Official Travel Agency

Av. São Luis, 86 - 1º andar cj. 11
Cep: 01046-000 - São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Telefone: 55 (11) 3524-3516
Fax: 55 (11) 3524-3572
Demais localidades: 0800 604 8888


Registrations may be made through website . You may divide registration fee in up to two (2) installments with no interest paying with your credit card, but, PAY ATTENTION, registrations may be made only until April 30, 2012.

Registration confirmation

Participants will receive an e-mail confirming their registrations.

Warning: Owing to fiscal and legal matters, the receipts owed to participants, where the payment objective and the respective value are described, will be issued automatically by the event registration system and only referring to the congress attendees’ name, and there will be no manual issuance of receipts in any event.

Simultaneous Translation

All lectures of the science schedule will provide simultaneous translation (Portuguese x English x Portuguese and Spanish X English x Spanish)


The amount charged is BRL 30.00 (thirty Reais) for guests and BRL 52.00 for non-guests for each parking lot entrance. We underscore that the price is the responsibility of WTC Sheraton Hotel, manager of this service, and is subject to changes with no prior notice.

Medical Attention

An outpatients department and ambulance will be available for any need over the event. Accreditation of Speakers and Attendees


Dates May 19th (Saturday) May 20th (Sunday)
Activities 1st Day of Scientific Schedule 2nd Day of Scientific Schedule
Scientific Activities 10h15 a.m. | 7h30 p.m. 8h00 a.m. | 5h35 p.m.
Secretariat Working Time 7h00 a.m. | 7h30 p.m 7h00 a.m. | 5h35 p.m.

ANVISA (Brazilian Health Agency) and CFM (Federal Council of Medicine)

Audience at large:

In compliance with rules related to advertising and propaganda established by RDC (Collegiate Board Resolution) no. 102/00, of ANVISA’s Collegiate Board, we hereby inform you that the entrance of children and/or other people not qualified to prescribe and/or discharge the use of medicines is prohibited at the exhibit area, rooms and/or auditoriums next to the premises of ACCF/BSC Cardiovascular Symposium in Brazil.


The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Brazilian Health Agency (ANVISA) compel all lecturers/speakers of science events to strictly abide by the rule provided for under Article 42 – Paragraph 2 “The lecturers in any science sessions which are connected to pharmaceutical laboratories or have any financial and commercial interest relating to such laboratories must report potential conflict of interest to congress organizers, establishing the due indication in the events’ official schedule and the beginning of their lectures, as well as in congress proceedings, if any.” From RDC no. 102/00, mainly regarding the indication or not of Potential Conflict of Interest. SBC, under the penalty of being notified, determines that all lecturers present, at the beginning of their participation in science sessions at ACCF/BSC Cardiovascular Symposium in Brazil, slides informing that they are involved or not in conflict of interest. Slides on the Potential Conflict of Interest will be available at the event’s office.

Information about access to persons not qualified to prescribe medicines:

As guaranteed by the compliance with rules related to advertising and propaganda advertising and propaganda established by Resolution no. 102/00, of ANVISA’s Collegiate Board, it is hereby prohibited the entrance of children, visitors, accompanying people and/or other people not qualified to prescribe and/or discharge the use of medicines is prohibited at the exhibit area.

Official Travel Agency

Av. São Luis, 86 - 1º andar cj. 11
Cep: 01046-000 - São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Telefone: 55 (11) 3524-3516
Fax: 55 (11) 3524-3572
Demais localidades: 0800 604 8888


Sponsorship List

1. Aché
2. Bayer
3. Boehringer
4. Daiichi-Sankyo
5. E.M.S.
6. Libbs
7. Merck Serono
8. MSD
9. Novartis
10. Pfizer
11. Servier

Desenvolvido pela Diretoria de Tecnologia da SBC - Todos os Direitos Reservados
© Copyright 2011 | Sociedade Brasileira De Cardiologia |